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CLEVER Mobile for Trace CLEVER Mobile for Linux CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM
How mobile are you?

Check out the CLEVER Mobile family of products!
  • CLEVER Mobile
  • for Trace
  • for z/COMM
  • for IDS
  • for DNS
  • for Linux

AES, the leading zEnterprise and open systems performance company, announces CLEVER Mobile Advantage 每 mobile apps with an edge.   AES led the industry with full browser interface to our products and today AES is leading the industry with a robust mobile interface that does more than just display information.  The new CLEVER Mobile apps, empowers employees to accomplish their work anytime, anywhere.  AES is pleased to offer the following mobile app solutions 每 providing a rock solid mobile infrastructure for your mobile IT services:



CLEVER Mobile for DNS 每 Empowers IT staff members to provide exceptional service to the business with their iOS and Android powered mobile devices. The added access capability ensures real-time notification of changes in DNS records leading to increased awareness of potential security vulnerabilities. Historical information access through these mobile devices improves forensics management of security threats globally.  


CLEVER Mobile for IDS 每 Empowers IT staff members to provide exceptional service to the business with their mobile devices. The added access capability ensures real-time notification of intrusions leading to increased visibility into potential security breaches. The resulting details provide for more effective decision-making to meet today*s dynamic anywhere anytime security environment.   




CLEVER Mobile for Linux - This mobile app combined with our enterprise strength Linux monitor, CleverView® for TCP/IP on Linux, offers powerful alert notification and command capabilities for both open systems and Linux on System z.  Alerts are classified at different levels so that your VP of Operations knows about a Severity 1 alert while network staff need only see and respond to alerts based on their areas of responsibility.  CLEVER Mobile for Linux powers IT support to meet business demands. 


CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM 每 Powering zEnterprise connectivity service performance, CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM offers a secure z/OS command facility for authorized users.  With the touch of a finger, the Event Manager handles messages from the z/OS system console. 


CLEVER Mobile for Trace 每 CLEVER Mobile for Trace captures mobile traces.  The mobile trace is then transferred to the base product, CleverView® for cTrace Analysis, providing a complete end to end TraceView of your multi-architecture environment --from mobile to servers to mainframe.  With auto-scheduling, interval based trace collection, side by side comparison and exception reporting, this combined package offers unsurpassed diagnostic capabilities.   

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