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CleverView for TCP/IP Syspoint CleverView for TCP/IP Event Manager CleverView for TCP/IP Sessions by Application CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM CleverView for TCP/IP OSA Historical Report CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM
Do you know if workloads are using the OSA adapter or Hypersockets?

Check out CleverView for TCP/IP!
  • CleverView for TCP/IP
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Global corporations are implementing key technologies supporting transition to Cloud computing, Big Data Analytics, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and data center transformation in order to be more agile in their business services.  The corresponding infrastructure upgrades to meet these business demands must also contend with major outside influences like regulatory compliance mandates, government and industry compliance imperatives, and internal audit directives.  These programs and projects are all increasing the transaction rates and user demands on your z/OS systems.     


CleverView for TCP/IP is the mainframe IP workload and /traffic monitor that continues to set the pace, providing unsurpassed performance and availability monitoring. CleverView for TCP/IP uniquely supports network traffic monitoring from z/OS®, z/VM® and Linux on System z® with OSAENTA trace support. This allows faster problem diagnosis across LPARs, thus improving service levels in virtualized environments.


CleverView for TCP/IP helps performance analysts, operations personnel, knowledge workers, system programmers, and capacity planners effectively monitor performance, and plan for the future. Its superior performance monitoring makes it the ultimate choice for large IBM®-hosted data centers undergoing wide scale Business Services transformation.  By combining real-time monitoring and alerts to potential problems with in-depth historical reporting of activity and trends, CleverView for TCP/IP gives you a proactive, comprehensive, automated solution to z/OS TCP/IP workload performance and availability management.

Powering zEnterprise connectivity service performance, CLEVER Mobile® for z/COMM offers a secure z/OS command facility for authorized users.   Through their mobile devices IT staff members have access to the monitored information collected by the server solution CleverView for TCP/IP. With CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM option implemented, mobile access to monitored metrics provided by SysPoint Dashboard, Thru24 Alerts, LinkView, Connect Expert, and z/OS system messages is essential to keeping a z/OS environment running at peak performance. The real power lies in the ability of CLEVER Mobile for z/COMM to allow z/OS system-wide system message monitoring, alert notification, z/OS® and TSO command submission, and CLIST and REXX script execution from the mobile device. Messages can be filtered based on monitoring by groups such as VTAM, Enterprise Extender, Intrusion Detection Service, Communication Server, FTP, MQSeries® and more. The powerful alert and command capability with classification is standard on all products in the CLEVER Mobile Advantage family.


CleverView for TCP/IP sample highlights

Customizable and comprehensive real-time, near-time, and historical   views of your z/OS TCP/IP performance Industry unique interval and session performance data reporting z/OS system-wide message capture and automatic response with message grouping capability Intelligent alerting and enhanced filtering Comprehensive application monitoring with workload performance metrics such as RTT times Integration with tools like MXG and  managers-of-managers systems
TN3270 Performance Monitoring using interval-based SMF recording (SMF 251, subtype 21) to measure end-to-end response time, with break-out of host SNA time and network IP time. TN3270 Interval Performance Reporting, providing daily TN3270 session response time information summarized by applications or application groups, monitor groups, and clients IP addresses or subnets. Enhanced z/OS mainframe networking security for FTP with an online display of FTP session logon failures, as well as a historical summary. TCP/IP Statistics Report provides historical details on TCP/IP key performance indicators. DVIPA Monitoring captures/displays Dynamic VIPA information available from NMI application interface (and focused command support related to Dynamic VIPA), providing additional TCP/IP network workload balancing capabilities via the sysplex. Dynamic Configuration Changes Support allows customization by dynamically altering some monitoring elements. Event Manager Action and Grouping allows Operations staff to issue commands in direct response to alerts. Essential z/OS system-wide system message capture with filtering and alert capabilities using Event Manager. Alerts can be forwarded to the MVS Console, NetView, SNMP Manager, and email notification. Facilitated OSAENTA Trace Generator allows you to Start/Stop OSA-Express Network Traffic Analyzer (OSAENTA) traces. Customizable and comprehensive real-time, near-time, and historical views of your TCP/IP z/OS performance, removing the need for additional reporting tools or learning new scripting languages. Intelligent alert generation and easy integration with z/OS console, NetView, SNMP Manager, and email notification options. Minimized overhead, avoiding requirements for continuous trace data collection and/or gathering redundant z/OS MIB data. State-of-the-art servlets technology requiring no client code and no additional hardware or software, and eliminating potential security risks inherent with a proprietary architecture. RTTMon allows network operators and end users to understand their application network performance and help optimize their environment, and it helps businesses understand the responsiveness of their services to sections of their user base.

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